What does 'community well-being' mean?

Community outcomes are about improving the well-being of communities over time, in a sustainable manner.

Well-being happens when people and communities feel fulfilled and satisfied that their needs are being met.

Well-being is seen as being made up of four inter-related dimensions – social, environmental, economic and cultural.

5 parts of well-being

Social well-being

Encompasses those factors which enable communities to set and achieve goals - such as education, health, strong community networks and associations, financial and personal security, rights, freedom and levels of equity.

Economic well-being

Encompasses the capacity of the economy to generate the employment and wealth necessary to provide many of the pre-requisites for social and personal well-being.

Environmental well-being

Encompasses the capacity of the natural environment to support in a sustainable way the activities that constitute community life.

Cultural well-being

Encompasses the shared beliefs, values, customs behaviours and identities reflected through language, stories, experiences, visual and performing arts, ceremonies and heritage.

Focus on four well-beings recognises importance of arts and culture to communities

For more information about cultural well-being, see the Ministry for Culture and Heritage website: Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Cultural Well-being. What Is It?