The Power of YOU - Learn from your own work by keeping notes

Article Summary

John S Veitch
John S Veitch
The Network Ambassador

Each of us is our own spin doctor. We keep trying to rationalize what's happening in our lives with the "me" we imagine ourselves to be.
The influence of family and close community, is far more powerful than education and social policies. It's said that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
Malcolm Gladwell says that exceptional personal development is possible. People who invest 10,000 hours early in one's life can develop remarkable skills.
You can build your own knowledge and your own intelligence. Practice leads to improvement.
How do you live your LIFE, so that you collect your own data, and empower your own learning process.
You BUILD an "Open Future ©" by doing many small things consistently. Keeping good records is one of those things.
What you think about, the things that you talk to yourself about, and the things you discuss with others, changes who you are.
To create a more "Open Future ©" changing who you are, is the critical task. Every choice you make, has potential to either open or close the future.
You can't get there by magical thinking. Preparation for running a marathon takes work.
You are the only real time source of your own ideas. The question of the quality of those ideas arises. What do you know that has any value?
What you, and YOU ALONE, can bring to the table is your own experience, if you have bothered to collect "your own data".
When your understanding is backed by your own personal data, you have great confidence in what you know.
There are no guarantees of success for hard work. What each of us can do, is accept the challenge to learn every day.
Opportunity falls to those who have first prepared, to those who are already, ready.

If you need the original article it's here.

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