Global systems demand global governance

Article Summary

John S Veitch
John S Veitch
The Network Ambassador

The United Nations is not a World Government. In fact the UN was a defense against world government.
An "Open Future ©" demands a better system of decision making at the global level.
A collection of national governments cannot deliver a world in which we can all expect to live normal lives.
The ancient principle of the divine right if Kings, still underlies the organisation of the United Nations. There is no basis for democtatic representation.
Global governance with a democratic basis would require the election of international political representatives.
If the representation is sound, there is a strong prospect for the organization delivering International Law that will be respected.
Decision making by the World Government must be seen to be authoritative, and so the process must be open and fair.
There are hundreds of areas where World Government is essential. I will briefly mention three.
Population Control: China has to it's credit, adopted a one child policy. The one child policy has allowed economic development to take a new direction.
Income Inequality: There is real discrimination against the poor who are exploited because the system allows that to happen.
The economy should ensure some form of wealth redistribution. There also needs to be a process that lifts poorer countries out of poverty.
Fair trade, rather than aid is desirable. Fair trade requires a system of fair trading rules; governance is essential.
The Rights of Women: It's essential that families are places where education is respected, where children learn language skills and develop an interest in the world.
If poverty is to be overcome, families smaller, democratic rights respected, freedom of information, we can't allow women to be treated as second class citizens.

If you need the original article it's here.

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